Unrealistic Solar System

My first project made with OpenGL was an inaccurate simulation of our solar system. I used the GLEW extension loading library to access OpenGL and FreeGLUT to get a system window and handle user inputs. Planet sizes are proportional between one another, as well as the distance. But the distance and size are not on the same scale relative to each other. The sun is also smaller as its massive size would occupy the entire view. [Read More]

Gamejam & Regatearte

I developed a small 2D Engine with OpenGL and relevant libraries such as FreeGLUT for window and context management, GLM for mathematics, and GLSL (OpenGL shading language). The engine was developed for a single purpose: to allow me and my team (PIP) to develop a video game for a Gamejam in Museu Soares dos Reis - Porto, under 48 hours. Engine characteristics Define Game objects as rects. Create actions for a game object. [Read More]