Adding a Search Bar

Adding a Search Bar to the Infinite List from the previous tutorial.

In this tutorial I’ll add a search bar on top of the List View widget from the previous tutorial to provide search functionality using the posts’ color keyword. Each Post has a color keyword that is used to request its random image. The user is able to search for posts through their color, as they type in the search bar. Final Result: To better organize the code, I created the static class PostServer which has n amount of random posts and acts as a server for our app. [Read More]

Infinite Scroll with Flutter List View

Infinite scroll is a design technique to keep users engaged and improves network bandwidth usage by fetching a subset of items from a server instead of the entire set, all while having minimal to no impact on the users’ experience. It avoids the download of excess data and the usage of excess memory. Final Result The sample application downloads random images from Unsplash. Implement infinite scroll with ListView in Flutter. [Read More]