Gamejam & Regatearte

I developed a small 2D Engine with OpenGL and relevant libraries such as FreeGLUT for window and context management, GLM for mathematics, and GLSL (OpenGL shading language). The engine was developed for a single purpose: to allow me and my team (PIP) to develop a video game for a Gamejam in Museu Soares dos Reis - Porto, under 48 hours.

Engine characteristics

  • Define Game objects as rects.
  • Create actions for a game object.
  • Bind inputs (mouse and keyboard) to an action.
  • Assign a sequence of images to an action.
  • Set a timer for an action.
  • Colision between game objects.
  • Easily define UI buttons.

And that’s about it.

With it we would animate game objects by looping through sequences of images when actions are triggered. Once triggered the timer starts and the engine cycles through the image sequence within that timer’s duration. An action can be either directional movement, attacks, among others and are prompted by underlying game logic or user inputs.


Regatearte is about a Portuguese explorer in the Age of Discoveries that travels to locations around the world and finds location-specific treasures while fighting mercenaries. The treasures are brought to Portugal and sold to finance further expeditions with more enticing rewards.

Take a look:




Game Inventory


World Map



See also